Saturday, June 14, 2008

Realistically Coping With Approach Anxiety

Most of us who have had to deal with approach anxiety (AA) have heard at least one person tell us “Just do it and it will get easier with time” and assuming that you’re approach anxiety is just as easily dealt with as theirs was.  If you’re reading this because of your AA, it’s probably because you haven’t been able to bring yourself to “Just do it.”  I am writing this primarily because I know how difficult approaching the opposite (or in some cases same) sex can be.

Approach anxiety is something that is experienced by both men and women.  In fact women may experience it to a greater extent due to the fact that traditionally it is the man who approaches the woman.  Due to this, women often feel anxiety for the same reasons as men, but additionally the pressure that society puts on them to not approach.  Because of that many women pass up what they want, and opportunity flies by.  In my opinion, we should all be enabled to go after what we want.

Anything good in life takes some work, and approach anxiety is no exception.  Believing that anything can make it disappear instantly is going cause you to become more and more frustrated until you eventually give up.  Instead it is important to focus on the small accomplishments you make from day to day, making sure to give yourself at least as much credit as you deserve.  If you remain positive you will make progress, be more motivated, be more relaxed, and your anxiety will fade away more quickly than if you try to take on more than you can handle at one time.  You shouldn’t look at this as if controlling your anxiety will take more time than you had hoped.  Instead view it as if you now have a plan to incrementally decrease your approach anxiety.  A plan that will allow you to become more confident in your social skills and abilities with each day that passes.  The false hopes of conquering your anxiety “magically” are now behind you, and you now have the empowerment and knowledge to realistically tackle what it is you have set out to do with confidence and determination.

Good Luck!


Anonymous said...

Hey so in your opinion who lies more, guys or girls? Also did you see those two girls fighting outside?


Andy said...

Haha, Yeah, I saw them.

I don't think I could say who lies more. In my personal experience both men and women probably lie about evenly. I think in the end truth isn't a gender issue, but an issue of values.